Friday, December 28, 2012

Participants of the Project

Participants of the Project
The INCE Trilogy, Book One

D.S. Kirchen

Creative EnDEBers Publishing

The Circle of Power is comprised of five friends in their late twenties who share a common history of having been placed in the same institution as teenagers. As wards of the state, the Institute had taken control of their medical care and quite literally saved their lives. Today, they are a fiercely bonded family that stays in close quarters, as each struggles to be an individual in his or her own right. The fact that they have strange prosthetic implants in various places in their bodies, some of which seem to give them a literal boost in physical ability, is a topic that is rarely discussed. The fact that they are being tracked and monitored by the "Institute" all these years later eludes them. And the fact that they are pawns in a very sinister game could and very likely will destroy them.


  1. Wow! What an intersting premise. Sounds like a must read.

  2. WoW! What an interesting premise. Sounds like a must read for me.
