Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday's Tidbits

Today’s post is going to be short and sweet. Here are some people and their blogs that you should be following.  ~ Record your Indie stats with Brenda Hiatt. Brenda has been collecting stats yearly with her ‘Show Me The Money’ survey for a long time on traditional publishing. She’s now including indie books in that survey. She records only dollars and numbers sold, no author names are included. ~ Debra Holland is a wonderful resource on self-epublishing. She shares her sales figures, her earnings and more on her website. She was actually the first author I ran across, besides Lynn Viehl for traditional publishing, who showed me her numbers. ~ Interesting little facebook page that has all sorts of tidbits of information. Like how many words NaWriMo writers produced: 3 billion. They also have things like where indie book signings and the like are happening. ~ An author who is self-epublishing her backlist. She shares her sales and stats for all venues. She has great articles on the site as well. ~ Norah Wilson writes about all things in regards to her books and she writes in many different genres. She shares sales tips and information as well as sales numbers and royalties.

That’s it for this week! Go forth and WRITE!


The Book’s Blurb Blog

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